Membre or how to get answers on all my questions about varicose veins

Dr Mondher CHERIET

Your vascular doctor, angiologist


Identifiant RPPS : 10100413813

Né en 1981 à Alger.

  • Membre de la Société Française de Phlébologie
  • Membre titulaire de la Société Française de Médecine Vasculaire
  • Membre ARMV Aquitaine depuis 09/2016
  • Pratique de l'échosclérose
  • Pratique le traitement thermique endoveineux

A network of practitioners
for your vascular medicine care:

We are the group of a group of vascular physicians (angiologists) practicing in an office or clinic throughout France.

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The medical information on this site does not in any way replace the medical consultation which alone, makes it possible to establish a diagnosis and set up a protocol of care adapted to each individual case.
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